Regards for Windows
 Presentation ScreenShot Help FAQ Download Review


Update the : 06/20/2008

Number of download :
If you have remarks or ideas of improvement, send them to me to the following address:

If you have some problem with the 1.5 version, you can download the 1.1 version : Download Version 1.1


Regards is a photo viewer with a drive explorer and different tool to navigate into your photo.
Support reading Picture format : JPEG, GIF, png, PCX, TGA, TIFF, BMP, Kodak Photo-Cd, JPEG 2000, Photoshop, PPM, PGM and Photo Raw.
Support writing Picture format  : JPEG, BMP, TGA, TIFF and pdf.
Support ISO files burning.
Support 3D format : 3ds and MD2
The multimedia files are read into a preview window. A very simple reader MP3 is included in the distribution.
Regards is a very light program without installation. A help file is also included in the distribution.
You can associate Regards to your picture format to open it directly into the navigator tool.

Important to know :

Regards needs to write some variable to save the context. You can check in the registry this address : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Regards. All is safe here.
But when you do an association with Regards and picture format, Regards need to create a shell link into the registry and for all picture format an association with this shell link.
For the moment, you can't undo the association but it's very easy to choose another program.

Configuration tested:

Test on windows XP 32bits. It works too on windows 2000.


You can create musical SlideShow (reader MP3 included) with photo from an album of Regards.
To download Regards ScreenSaver (144 KB)

News on V. :

News :
- Thumbnail Jpeg memory bug
- 3D Diaporama faster
- Manage Jpeg File Orientation in all picture window

Nero ASPI Driver. Then to copy this file in the repertory of Glances.

Copyright and other questions:

This software is a freeware.
It is allowed to you to use it without restriction and unbounded time and to diffuse it freely.
If you wish to have more details, you can contact to me with the following address email: To develop using Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 and the compiler Intel C++.